ترامب و الإنقلاب على مبادئ الولايات المتحدة والحزب الجمهوري علي جمعة ...والبيتلز !! الطريق إلى السلام بين أوكرانيا وروسيا ... ملغم بكمائن ترامب ”كندا” جميلة الجميلات في مواجهة الولايات المتحدة الجديدة‎ ثقيلة هي ثياب الحملان! (قصة قصيرة) (5) سيادة الرئيس السيسي: 5 أشياء يجب أن تفعلها إذا ذهبت إلى واشنطن‎ مشهدٌ مثيرٌ في.. رمضان! الست ”دولت” .. لماذا تحفظ مسيحية سورة الفاتحة؟! ملك يَملك بذل الذات الذي يعلمه المسيح.. ليس دعوة للخسارة أو صغر النفس بل تأكيد أن الذات أعظم مما تملكه ”النص”... دراما تحترم عقل المشاهد الأغنياء حول العالم

MPP Billy Pang writes: Christians and Minorities are Under Siege

Once again the world was shocked as we read the gruesome details of an innocent Coptic priest being attacked at knifepoint and stabbed several times in the city of Alexandria.  Sadly Father Arsanious Wadid passed away as his wounds were too severe and the doctors were unable to save his life.  

Unfortunately these attacks have become far too common in the Middle East where Christians and all minorities are under constant attack.  The Coptic Orthodox church is one of the oldest Christian communities and the Coptic community in Egypt is one of these minorities under attack.  As Christians all over the world are getting ready to celebrate the Holy week of Palm Sunday and Easter we are once again reminded of the horrific attack 5 years ago on St. Georges Church in Tanta, Egypt on Palm Sunday where 48 innocent worshippers were killed.

We have all immigrated to Canada to escape persecution and racism and to look for a better life were we can raise our families and live in safety.  In Canada we often feel that we are immune to racism and hate crimes.  However we all need to be aware that racism can exist anywhere and we all need to do our part to make sure that racism does not grow and flourish.  Now more than ever we need our elected officials and politicians to speak up and to ensure that we learn from history and not allow these horrific crimes to repeat.  When we stand idly by and not speak up, we are adding fuel to the fire.    

Ontario is heading to a provincial election on June 2nd.  Ontario’s Conservatives will continue to support our churches and our religious communities. 


Billy Pang

Conservative Member of Provincial Parliament for Markham-Unionville