جود نيوز أحد رعاة الحفل.. تذكرة مجانية إلى مصر! في حفل ١٩ يوليو مدينة أوروبية تعرض أراضي للبيع بثمن فنجان قهوة.. هل تفكر في الشراء؟ فتح تحقيق بحادثة انتحار ”روبوت” ابتكار زجاج ”يصلح نفسه” موجة حر تذيب تمثال أبراهام لينكولن في واشنطن كيف تتأثر الشهية بحرارة الصيف؟ للوقاية من السكري.. احذر الضوء في هذا الوقت من الليل السباحة للحامل في الصيف.. الفوائد وشروط الأمان دراسة تكشف فائدة غير متوقعة للبرقوق إلغاء مباراة سموحة وبيراميدز بسبب حريق في إستاد الإسكندرية السعودية تعتزم استضافة نزالات نسائية في بطولة القتال النهائي ”يو إف سي” المهاجم الياباني ميورا البالغ 57 عاما ينضم إلى ناد جديد ولا يفكر في الاعتزال

Emad Barsoum writes: The Party of the Parties

When we were young, I remember going to parties with many friends, whether we knew all or some of them. Once we entered the party, we saw some dancing, others eating, drinking, or smoking; everyone is doing whatever they prefer. We were so excited, acting like children, who have just received a new toy or their favorite chocolate bar from their grandfather. Still, it is a variety of non-similar activities and actions.

Never caring about the owners or residents of the place, neighbors, or any liability arising from the irresponsible actions. That is the reason why when we used to go to a party, our parents would give us the infamous “commandments” because at a party, many deeds go sideways.

Nowadays, our political arena resembles one of those parties, where most political parties behave as if they are in a massive party, by all its attributes and downfalls. They focus only on how to benefit themselves, achieve maximum gains from the time they spend in office, and ignore the public benefit and the well-being of helpless people, but with great hopes.

When we try to read and learn about the competing political parties surrounding us, we would be unable to understand who they are working for. They have no clear vision for the future and no solutions to the current difficulties. Still, above all, they do not sense the needs and aspirations of their societies.

They have acquired a huge misperception about the public, mainly because they have less contact with the common people. They lost or maybe lack the ability to listen to the voices of the people, they even fail to listen to other members of their own parties due to the loud noise of individual ambition and the beneficiaries surrounding them.

Even more, Politicians themselves are fulfilling the party’s desire solely, regardless of their own opinion, if they have one. Because they are aware of the consequences if they deviate from the set line for them.

Parties currently imagine that their success depends on one group of people, whether an economic lobby, racial majority (or minor but major among the other minorities), or ideological group. Hence, they tend to absolutely disregard what this country is built on, diversity and inclusion, yet they all must be as one.

Despite the differences, human beings in general and the people of this land, in particular, they share one united ambition, one dream, and one aspiration.

They aspire to live a decent, respectable, and dignified life. A clear future for their children and an honorable retirement.

Nonetheless, we know that this can be only achieved once they exit the amusing party and step into the real-life, working genuinely for their party, the one that people are willing to delegate and authorize to look after their present and plan for their future.