جود نيوز أحد رعاة الحفل.. تذكرة مجانية إلى مصر! في حفل ١٩ يوليو مدينة أوروبية تعرض أراضي للبيع بثمن فنجان قهوة.. هل تفكر في الشراء؟ فتح تحقيق بحادثة انتحار ”روبوت” ابتكار زجاج ”يصلح نفسه” موجة حر تذيب تمثال أبراهام لينكولن في واشنطن كيف تتأثر الشهية بحرارة الصيف؟ للوقاية من السكري.. احذر الضوء في هذا الوقت من الليل السباحة للحامل في الصيف.. الفوائد وشروط الأمان دراسة تكشف فائدة غير متوقعة للبرقوق إلغاء مباراة سموحة وبيراميدز بسبب حريق في إستاد الإسكندرية السعودية تعتزم استضافة نزالات نسائية في بطولة القتال النهائي ”يو إف سي” المهاجم الياباني ميورا البالغ 57 عاما ينضم إلى ناد جديد ولا يفكر في الاعتزال

Emad Barsoum writes: The Authority of Chickens

In a banana republic you may wake up everyday with a new law, or even a new government, where those who wake up first claim authority.

However, this phenomenon is on its way to disappear, due to the increasing awareness of citizens of those small countries, and their quest for modern and civilized life.  A life that is governed by democracy yet with discipline, a state of institutions, that respects the law and place it ahead of the individual.

Disturbingly, we woke up one day and learned through social media that a ridiculously small group of individuals, have submitted a request to their very modern, civilized, business oriented, and uncontaminated city, to allow them to raise “Poultry” in their backyards, because it is economic and provides fresh eggs!

Some might laugh out loud thinking it is a joke, or even go further and say, it is OK, let them have their fresh eggs, because we all do love the fresh eggs. However, desolately this is not amusing news. Since the city council have decided to include this request on their agenda. Additionally, some of the counselors are already in favor of granting this right and change the by-laws accordingly, under this new by-law, let the chicken cross the road...

Despite the health issues that would be related to growing chicken in the backyards, and eventually the basements due to the cold weather. Also, regardless of the noise, pollution, and the disposal of the chicken waste, even regardless of the changes in the Eco system that will occur by attracting larger number of animals that may feed on chickens, including dangerous rodents that feed on their food, waste, and the remains of slaughtering poultry in houses. 

Yet, there is a bigger eminent danger.

The greatest hazard of all is the fall of the Authority of the State. When a society reaches the stage where they would request to trespass all rules, laws, and customs of a civilized urban community, hereby begins the decline of civilization as we know it.

If we stood for a while and think deeply about pressing issues here and ask why would some citizens ask for passing such a by-law...? 

The simple answer that everyone avoids is; Abuse of democracy and human rights. This is due to many precedents where a minor group of individuals demand change to regulations, to suit their own personal agendas, regardless of the wellness and the freedom of the majority, and get their request fulfilled. Consequently, the other pressing issue will always be “Votes”!

This thin line between the public interest and the sacrifice of the authority of the state for a few more votes.

Politicians always tend to ignore history, and they tend to have a noticeably short sight which revolves only around their political career, but they totally ignore the interest of the generations to come, and how to preserve the Authority of the State.